Monday, 16 April 2007

Green Light District is over

Now its over and it has been the greates weekend I have had for a long time!
I have enjoyed a lot being with other Christians who live metal just as much as I do.
The seminars has been very interesting. Pastor Bob was speaking and he was very good, and so nice to talk to...In fact he is the bedst speaker I have ever heard!!
The bands were also very good and it was so cool to talk to the people there. I hope it will be there next year too...
I cant really ekspress how much this weekend have meant to me, i just say THANKS A LOT to all the people involved in this festival...I really mean it!

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Now there are only 3 days left for Green Ligth District!!!

Thursday, 5 April 2007

Now its easter holliday and I am enjoying it with my family... So nice to get some time off from school...
This is the time when Jesus gave his life for us here on earth, so we need to remember that so it does not all end up in easteregg and so on...:-P