Sunday, 15 June 2008

TeenMax weekend!

I have been working in with the teenagers in our church for 2 years now. This year the whole group execpt one is leaving to go to boarding schools and one for Highschool in California. So we spend this weekend from Friday to Saturday with them one last time as teenagers in our chuch-group called TeenMax! - A bit sad to say goodbye, but we have had some great times, and we will see each other again:-)
It was a nice weekend, and as always we do some, well different things:-P
This time we camped inside the church, as you may be able to see on this dark picture:

We started the day eating together and then we went to see a outdoor concert with Odense Symphony Orchestra. They played move-music! There were: Mission Impossible, Indiana Jones, Saturday Night Fever, Star Wars, and best of all: The Simpsons!!
Quite an experience!

We rented a move called Balls of Fury...

It was quite fun, very black humor if you can call it that in english:-)
When we got home before we watched the movie, some just wanted a bath:

I dont know what to say about that, other than we have a very cool youth Pastor, and you can guess for yourself what we usually use this pool for:-P
He is the one in the picture...Actually the youth Pastor, the youth leader, and 2 of the teenagers were all under the water, both before the movie and after:-P The rest of us were just walking around in the water:-)

Im looking forward to starting up with a new group of young teenagers after this summer break:-)

Monday, 9 June 2008


Once again i had an awesome weekend!
I went to Germany with Solace The Day, Pastor Bob and two more friends(Martin and Jared) to a concert event in a church called Hard Rock Halleluja. Fantastic company to have! We were welcomed with loads of food and a lots of love:-P
I felt very welcome, and it was very sad to leave again! - They had done a great job, and a lot of people worked together from the church! - Really cool to experience that!
The 3 great bands did a great job too! - The bands and all the german people were so nice, and cool to hang out with!

I got this bracelet as a gift to remember a new friendship from one of the girls i meet there! - She was very nice, and hope to see her again soon!


The crowed:

Just some fun(or what the swedish called crazy danes:-P):

I just seems like everywhere i go, Jonas is always sitting in a tree:

Thank you God for a great weekend!

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

GLDF! - Green Light District Festival!

What a huge Blessing!
This weekend it finally happend! - We had the second Christian Metal Festival in Denmark!
I have really enjoyed working with the festival, and to see people enjoying the festival so much just made it even more worth it! - So many people came to help, and to support it, it was incredible! - And so encourageing! - There is so many people to say thank you to!
None of this could have happened without God! - Everytime a problem came up, God send the solution right away:-)He has just made me so happy, and confirmed me in that the direction im going in is the right one!

This weekend have been blessed in SO many ways! - I have no words that can describe it:-) Im even more excited about the future of the Christian Metal scene in Denmark after this weekend!

Here is just a few pictures from a fantastic weekend in Fjellerup:
Some hard working people:


Lars, Signe and Nivi:

Here is a band called Drottnar! - They were probably the most extreme band we had this year! - It was great having them there:-)