It seems like everytime i write in here a whole lot has happened in the meantime!
One of the things i would like share is the Sanctuary Group Fyn!
The Sanctuary Groups are groups different places in the country which we have been starting since March. We hope to get more groups started over time whereever they are needed. At the moment we have one in Kolding, Vejle, Ã…rhus and Odense, and we are working on other cities. The groups are ment especially for metalheads. We talk about God and metal music! - We hang out eat together, go to concerts or whatever we can come up with and just have an awesome time together!
In Odense we meet wednesday every 3. week at 6:00PM and have had 4 gatherings so far.
We have a great time together talking about what is on our heart. We have a open fellowship where we can share good things and the things that worry us, anger us, and so on. And we talk about the music we love and hear a PodCast or read a blog from Pastor Bob Beemen, and talk about it - Its awesome! - I always feel encouraged and happy when i leave.
You know, we have the two things which we all have a special passion for in common: God and metalmusic. Which is, to be honest not a combination that you see everyday:-) So it is nice to once in a while gather with people who you have those two things in common with.
Two things which also describes our group on Fyn very well: food and food...:-P
The next event will be: Acension day-Ralley! - And i will most likely be writing about it:-) Hopefully with pictures!
Here are just one more of not-that-great pictures taken by my cellphone from our last meeting:
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