Some of the things I bought, besides the wristbands. I got them from Ulla(Hannes mother)who have made them! - They cost 250kr. in stores, and are a small part of the Greenlandic national costume:-) I was very honored!
I got my ears pierced! - Again:-P
This is a whales tale made out of stone. It is a symbol that is in earings, necklaces and so on here:
After we had been shopping we went out to the skilift:-) I have been skiing once before in Norway, but I had forgotten a lot but quickly remembered some of the most important techniques...It wasn't pretty though:-P But fun!
My day card to the lift:
Straight after we came home we went to a "Kaffemik" at Elisa and Aqqalu. It was Elisas 61 birthday. She is working in the church, with counseling and much more. She is the mother of a Greenlandic girl I went to boarding school with, whom I actually meet in the church christmas eve:-)
It was a very cultural experience! - I tasted some very typical Greenlandic fish dishes while Hanne was filming, with her brand new and nice camera:-P...Interesting!
After dinner Hanne, Lene and I went into the church room and played some music:-)
Then Rosa came by and we dressed up to go to "Heath", which is tree clubs/pubs/discos that has been joined. The first of them is a club were the youth(14-25) of Nuuk is hanging, the second a pub,(25-45) and the last place (45 - and up)
Hanne wanted me to meet some more of her friends and the fun of seeing me dressed up. They have a very strict dresscode! - We made it a "trip of prayer". We went down there to pray for the youth. We observed while we prayed sitting, walking around so on...I observed this guy with long hair and black clothes, walking alone looking like he was in the wrong place, and I just felt very strongly that I needed to do something, and he kept walking by no matter were I was! - So I ended up giving him the website for our danish christian metal forum on a trashed sales slip:-P The music was very loud so I could not say much, but he was very open, in his body language:-) I really hope he has kept that note!