That was a very cool experience. We were there last wendsday where the service was combined with "Austin Cornerstone Church". This time it was their own service and it was COOL! Morten and i made up 50% of the white people there:-P They had a pretty huge gospel choir, and they were really impressive!! - They were so good! - I have once been in a small gospel choir on my boarding school for a year and that was really fun, so being in a choir like that must be so much fun!
I would upload a video here if it was not for the extremely slow internet we have here at the hotel:-P But here are a picture:
People were again very nice and came to us and talked. Some recognized us from last time. They filmed the whole service and a nice lady made sure Morten and I could get a copy each send home to Denmark when it is ready. And we got it all for free!! - Very cool! - We both started thinking we had giving to little collect, but then agin it just shows what God tells us in the bible: That when we give something to him he will give it back to us many many times(sorry about the missing correct quote).
When we were finished in "The Mount" as they called it, we went directly to "Austin Cornerstone Church". We had been looking forward to this service, because we liked it so much the last time. But we went to get disappointed:-P Well it all ended up in a "Christian Circus" as i would call it. People crying and laying on the floor and so on. It was too much:-)
They had a cool wall painting we did not notice last time though:
Well, afterwards we went to McDonalds and home to check out how to get to the 3th service of the day:-P It was in a church called "Austin Stone Community Chruch", we had never been there before. The only thing we knew was that Chris Tomlin, who is quite a big name in Christian worship, are one of the founders of the church. We got on a bus and hoped it went in the right direction, which it almost did, but we still had to walk across the center of the city and a bit longer, so we got exercise for the day:-) The music was quite good, there were just not enough of it:-P The biggest differens in this church and the others we have been to was the fellowship. In this one they have 4 services in one day, and there are room for about 600-700 people at each. So it is not easy to notice if someone is new:-P It was a very cool and special experience, like all the other churches!
Outside of the church(they have their services on a high school):
We found our way home by bus again after some walking. Before we got all the way we stopped by Panda Express(once again).
When we got home we started preparing for the political debat tomorrow that i am very nervous about. But Spencer who is our teacher in the debate, had left the questions to us the same day. We went through the questions and then prepared my one minute speech which i practised to learn by heart. I feel a bit better about it now, and Morten has helped me a lot. He is really good at politics!
1 comment:
Så, nu er alle blogs lige lagt ind i et nyt dokument - så der kan læses i aften :) godt med noget varieret læsning. Prøver på ikke at blive færdig med min bog "isprinsessen" alt for meget før vi skal hjem, for det er stort set det eneste der kan få mig til at slappe rigtig af. Så lidt mere læsning, det godt :)
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