K. C, has been following this blog, while we have been in Austin. She Interviewed Morten and I, about our stay here. Very cool:-)
I have started to realise that we are going home tomorrow. It is really weird. I have enjoyed this month so much more than i had expected! - God has really blssed me with wonderful experiences that i will always remember - I will come home very thankful! - And tired:-P
At 6:00, we went to a restaurant called "El Sol y La Luna" with the whole class, and most of our teachers to say goodbye. The food was not fantastic, but okay:-)
When we were finished some of us went to a concert. Jennifers sisters boyfriend was playing in this band, called "Flawless Escape". It is Eksperimental Rock. It was okay, not so much my style, but they had some good instrumental pieces once in a while. It was cool to say hello to them, they did a great job!
After their show we went home by cab to pack the last things. I was really tired.
By the way...Last night Morten and I were sitting in front of our computers until 2 at night. Then he left and i started getting ready to go to bed. Suddenly Morten comes in very confused. He had seen a cockroach in his and Mathias bathroom, but it had escaped, and he could not find it. So he was very much panicing! Mainly because something that looked like cockroach poop was on his toothpaste. So we had to remove it and almost sterilise it to make peace in his mind:-P That was so funny! On top of that when he had left, he came back about 15 minutes after because he could not get into his room. Mathias was apperently fallen asleep and Morten had no room key:-P
In the morning Mathias told me he had dreamt about cockroaches. None of them dared to use their bathroom. I had so much fun watching them like that! - To see boys be so afraid of a small animal like that:-P Many boys wont admit that kind of fear, so that was cool they did. They just could not understand how i had been able to kill one some days ago. Well, that was just a small weird stoy for you:-)
Hi Simone, I work at ACC and I have enjoyed your blog and your perspective very much. There are lots of cockroaches here in Texas. In the North of the US people see cockroaches as being part of dirty, filthy places becaue there it is too cold for them to live unless it's a filthy environment. We get these huge ones here that technically are not roaches but are Palmetto bugs. They look like roaches but are almost 2 inches long! I wonder if the is what your friend saw? I try to like them but they just look gross to me too.
I am happy to hear, thank you! - It might have been:-) We do not have roaches or Palmetto bugs in Denmark or anything that looks like it, so we could easyly be mistaking:-P
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