So there is so much to do with very little time:-)
In our break today Morten and i went for a quick trip to Highland mall which is right behind the school. On our way there a car pulled up and called us over. In it were a bunch of military people. The guy who rolled his window down interduced himself. His name is Larry. He started to ask us were we were headed, were we are from, about our study and so on. When he left we were quite confused. we did not really know why he had asked us that, but it was quite fun and he was really nice:-)
Their uniform looked a bit like this:

After school I went with Kasper, Morten, Mathias and this days birthday boy Stefan to a restaurant called "Chillis". The food was really good, but once again the coke tasted to much of chlor.
The evening started out with homework and a surprise cake for Stefan in his room. But then my friend Morten who had been coughing these last days, you know been a little sick, but not that serious started to feel really sick. It ended in him being really sick unfortunately:-( So he was send to bed, and i hope he feels better in the morning, but we will not let him go to school!
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