Today it was Morten's 18 years birthday. He and I started the day with going to church. It is called "Austin Cornerstone Church". That was a really cool experience! - They were also very good at welcoming us. They had opposite "Church of Christ" instruments, and the music was great! - It had a great atmosphere and i could really feel that God is in that church:-)
Something very special about this church was the fact that they had a person to translate everything, songs and the sermon into sign language. That was very cool! - We both agreed that we have to come back before we go back to Denmark.
This guy was pretty cute, just standing and playing on his miniature guitar. Sends a pretty good signal to people:
Afterward we(7 students, 2 teachers + husbands and kids) went on a steam train ride. We had been told we would see different landscape, but that was not so much the case. But the trip was very nice anyway. We had some fun:-)
When we got home, Mathias, Morten and I went to celebrate Morten's birthday at a restaurant called "China Star" which is near our hotel. It is a Chinese Restaurant. The food was good:-)
At 9:00 we had to meet to sing a song for Morten and eat some cake the teachers had bought:-)
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