We left the 10th of october at 6 o’clock in the morning from Odense Trainstation to go to Kastrup Airport. Everything went fine, with the security checks and so on. We only had one from our class who had an extra security check because of his football t-shirt. We had a 9 hours and 30 minutes flights from Kastrup. We had a lot of weird flight-food and watched some movies. It was a nice flight even though we were tired of sitting in the same position the last hour:-P It was a beautiful view from the window, I was so lucky to get a window seat, so I could admire Gods amazing masterpiece! – We flew over countries like Iceland, Greenland and Canada. Very beautiful! Well we arrived at Atlanta were we had been prepared for immigration. That was the thing we were most nervous about, and we had gotten very strict instruction on how to behave and answer their questions. It was very confusing because the forms we had filled out at home in Denmark was not good enough so we had to hurry and fill out some new ones. Everybody got through, so that is good:-)
The last flight went fine too and we landed in Austin 8:45PM local time. We took some shuttles to get to the Hotel Extended Stay Deluxe – Metro in Austin. The hotel had arranged pizza, which was very nice after we had been awake for over 24 hours:-P They had also arranged breakfast for the next day. It was a muffin, and Danish, but I am really sorry that we are identified with what they call danish, cause well, it was not the best thing ever:-P But it was very nice of them to make sure we had something to eat:-)
Our rooms are very cool! – I am the only girl and have a room all to myself. It is just as big as the others who sleeps in groups of 2 and 3. So I have a huge bed to sleep on:-)
That was all for my first blog post from Austin, Texas!
My classmate Michael enjoying his pizza in the flight:
Here are we outside the airport trying to figure out where we are going and how, luckly the teachers came to our rescue:-P
Here you can follow our activities too: http://texas.otg.dk/
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