The trip has begun. I drove from Odense to Hamburg, and picked up the 3 guys from the band in Fredericia. Levi, Jonas and Asbjørn. We continued, and left Hamburg airport at 6:30pm. We arrived in Amsterdam about an hour later, and had to wait for 13 hours, to catch our next flight to Detroit. We must say the Dutch people are very nice! - And we had a really good experience!
We stayed awake the whole night to avoid jetlag when we arrived to the States. The flight to Detroit took 8 hours and 30 minutes. When we arrived we had to go through a lot of checks!! - And of course we were pulled aside to get the BIG check or so we feared. A family in front of us had to take everything out of their luggage so it could be checked. The officers started by asking us a lot if questions we had already answered about were we were going and so on. - Our guess is they had to make sure the band are not going to earn any money while staying. You have to have a special permission to be able to do that. 7 officers were checking out the Cornserstone festivals homepage and Solace the Days myspace:-P One og them told us he is a big Slayer fan:-)
The process took so long we missed our flight, but we got rebooked to the next one rigth away, but luckly we did not have to emty all of our suitcases.
It was a miracle we did not miss our bus in Chicago. We won an hour because of the time differens and just caught it:-)
We were all very tired of showing passports and emtying our handbaggage. Now it was finally over!
When we arrived 3 hours and 40 minutes later at Peroria, we waited a while and were then picked up by Andreas and his friend Annie.
We drove to the Schertz familys house were we met up with 3 other danes, Pastor Bob, the rest of Annis family and friends of the family. We got some great food and had a nice evening! - Their house is in a really nice place! - There are a lot of forest around it and there is fireflies! - I looked at them and i couldnt help thinking that they are like we as Christians should be. Lighting up the darkness around us.
We(me and Solace the Day) got settled in, in a storage building on their property. We talked about tomorrow and the festival, and how things are going to work and the band practised acapella:-)
The perfect table:
Airport security in the US... I like.
Fireflies are better than cockroaches - for sure! Have you seen any cockroaches yet - or is it to "cold"?
I like your picture, hehe :)
Oh yeah, so crazy!!
Definately! - No not yet, its actually pretty hot, and the humidity is crazy, but so is the airconditioning. I feel a little sick all the time even though i am not:-P
Thank you:-P
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