Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Day 2 - Cornerstone!

We woke up at 8 and got breakfast at the Schertz families house. We then drove to Cornerstone. On the way we went shopping in Wal-Mart, to have something loads to drink and a bit to eat. I of course bought some real american Dr. Pepper:-P
We came to Cornerstone and went for a walk to see the place. Solace had their first show at Passion Brand stage, which is a generator stage. A small place in the open on grass:-) I was filled in with the details and my job during the concerts here will be to catch Andreas guitar when he does not need it anymore, and give it back when he needs it once again. And i will take some pictures and film too. Afterwards I will be selling their merchendise.
I was hanging out with Levi and Andreas until the next Solace show of the day at Sanctuary stage which went so much better than their first show:-) It was an awesome concert.

1 comment:

Morten said...

Wal-Mart? I thought that J94 had teached you just something...
I like your job description: "to catch Andreas guitar when he does not need it anymore, and give it back when he needs it once again."