I got a piercing while we were there anyway, that i have been thinking about for some time:-P I decided to finally get it done last night, so i did today! - I am very happy about it:-)
Levi got his ears pierced and Asbjørn got his left nipple pierced too! - Jonas got a tattoo on his arm which is so so awesome!! - Asbjørn got a lip tattoo with the text: nåde which means mercy. It looks really cool too! - He was supposed to have his arm done too but there was not enough time even though they spend 7 hours in the shop:-P So he will go back on thursday.
Levi and i went back to Bobs house when Jonas outline was finished. Levi helped Bob set up his parent computer and so on, and i looked through Bobs old tapes which he just did not have the energy to do. And i found some really interesting stuff, from Rock history!
Bob went to pick up the guys at the tattooshop and then came back to pick up Levi and me to drive us back home to the La Verde house.
The evening was for me spend video chatting once again:-)
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