We went to hang out with Nathan Lee, who has this very cool place in a warehouse, were he is writing his songs and so on. When we arrived we all went in Nathans van to get coffee and donuts, and then right back to his place, which is the most inspirering place! - He has so many cool things and instruments and so on! We talked, and Bob and him talked about how it is to live their lives without a regular paycheck, but just living by whatever God gives you. An you dont always know what comes next! - And in many ways that is what i will probably have to do now. Een though it is a though way to live, it just made me so excited because you really learn to appreciate what you have, and see what God is giving you! - So i left the place feeling very encourageed, and filled by the love of God, and his excitement for my. And now i just feel so ready to get started! - And some things that i have been wondering about just makes sense now!
After spending some hours at Nathans place we went on to see a place in Nashville where they have 32 practise rooms, and is building studio and so on. A really cool place! - And 2 guys showed us around. One of them is making musicvideos with some other guy, and he showed us one of them they had done for Jonas Brothers. Pretty cool!
Then before we went home, we went by a grocery store to stock up:-P
We had a little weird and very funny experience today! - Levi was lying in the bed and wanted to take a nap, which the animals found great, so they were all lying around him. Jonas and Asbjørn walks in the room, and Jonas noticed a little poop in the bed, pointing at it. I guess the dog took that as a hint and kindly removed it for us, by eating it! - That was so funny!! - Asbjørn just could not stop laughing which made the whole episode even more fun!!
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