Afterwards Solace the day had a show at High Volume Stage at 2. Also a generator stage. The show was so crazy! And drew a lot of attention. When we arrived at the stage another band was playing. There were only us looking at them.When Solace started playing a lot of people came. About 40 were there and that is a lot for a generator stage. For the first time i missed Andreas guitar, but it was okay:-)
Solace borrowed gear from the band A Hill to Die Upon. They are really great guys!
Andreas, Levi, Asbjørn, Jonas and I went to the ”beach” to cool down. The weather is pretty hot, but everyone keeps telling us that this is cool weather compared to what it is usually like at Cornerstone. Well to explain the ”beach”. It is a big lake, and instead of sand its dirt. Its quite nice! - We spend a hour or two there, just hanging, some bathing. Afterwards some of us met up with 3 of the guys from A Hill ti Die Upon, together with, some of the other danes. It was really awesome! - I enjoy getting new friends. I have met many new people today. Adam from A Hill to Die Upon wanted us danes to learn to play catch with the Base Ball glove and everything, fun. When the time came we all went to see Project 86 at the main stage.
Later on i meet Pastor bob. He has just arrived today, and was sitting in his big american car, which has the limusine outline. It is a Lincoln. Looks nice:-) I sat in there with him and talked about how the festival is going and so on:-) Jonas joined and soon after we went to see Impending doom. That was one of the greatest concerts i have seen it was so heavy especially because of a really nice effect they had put on the drums. Awesome experience!
Afterwards we went to Sanctuary Worship. Andreas and Levi was playing.
meet lots of new people
Levi, Jonas, Andreas, Amanda, Annie and I went for Brian Welch at main stage. He was in the very famous band Korn and became a christian. – awesome to see a man that has lived in that kind of abuse and more scream his heart out in praise to God.
We quikly headed for HM Magazine stage were The Satire was playing. We saw the last couple of songs and waited for The Chariot to go on. They are a very chaotic band and i like their music.They have a crazystage show, unfortunately i couldnt see much. We stayed for 3 or 4 songs and went to the Flatfood 56 concert. Its a punk band, who has an amazing gift to get the audience going. Im not that found about the music but man that was a party! - They apparently has a theme for each concert, this time mexican. Most of the tent was one giant circel pit! - Crazy! - And people were having so much fun and looking out for each other. It was a great experience!
And then straight to bed.
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