At noon Pastor Bob and Levi came by to pick up Andreas and I to go to the tattooist:-D ”Lone Wolf Tattoo. We had from 12 to 6 to get some stuff done, so six hours:-)
I was the first one to go. I got two lonestars/punkstars behind my ear. The reason is that i have been to Texas with my class for a month, and we had such a good time, and i really want to have a memory of that. We also found out that it was a dane called Charles Zancko who added the star to the Texan flag:-) Besides that, punkstars are always cool:-P
It turned out much better than i had expected! - I am really happy about it:-)
While Levi was getting tattooed i got two more piercings in my ear, sooo nice:-P I am very happy about them too! - It has been a wild day of pain:-P
Levi got his tattoo fixed up with some thicker lines and some color in it too and some background, looks real nice!
Andreas got his left arm finished up around his shoulders with some shades and stuff, looks real good too!
We had until 6, but stayed longer. So we have been hanging out in the shop for 8 and a half hours today:-P
The guys in the shop was very nice, we talked to them, and they are christians too. That was kind of fun to see so many christian symbols hanging on the walls, instead of the many nasty ones in regular tattoo shops:-)
I also got some more mosquito bites today, they seem to love me over here! -The last two years in Denmark they stopped liking me, but I guess the American mosquitos has another sense of taste:-P
When i got home(Jamie and Trish) i spend some time on my computer:-) And then i talked on the phone with Adam from A Hill to Die Upon whom i meet at Cornerstone for a couple of hours, and when we were finished talking we could go on facebook and change our relationship status:-) So many great things happened today! I am very excited and so happy! - I could not have wished for a better guy:-)
Andreas tattoo:
Levis halfway finished:
Mine all bloody:
The place i got my ears pierced:
When i was about to get tattooed:-P
Yeah, American pills are great!
I miss Texas :) I look forward to visit the US again! Next summer, I hope :)
The Norwegian mosquitos love me! :(
I like your new status - Congrats! ;)
Yeah Teaxas is great i need to go back there too! - Yeah i guess i need to go back here more now:-P
Haha, like the american love me! - Not good!
Thank you very much:-)
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