Tuesday 21 October 2008

Day 10 - School, Target, and homecooked dinner!

Today we once again were at school from 9:00 to 6:30. It was a long day, and i could feel that it has been a weekend with lack of sleep. The hard thing about school here is that its lectures(except gaming of course) like in the universities at home in Denmark. So if your tired it is really hard to stay awake:-P But i succeeded and the teachers are pretty good:-)

In our 2 hour-break we(Mathias, Christian, Morten and I) went to IHOP(International House of Pancakes). I ended up having salad though. I kind of missed some of that after the food we have been eating here. The guys who had pancakes were not impressed, but everything else was good. They had a wide selection of all kinds of food, not only pancakes.
(picture will come)

Right after school, Mathias, Morten and I went to Target. Here we bought some food and stuff to keep things going. We have made a "food-arrangement" to save some money, and make it a little easier for everybody.
So when we got home we made our first meal from scratch. it went pretty well, which we were all surprised by:-P

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