Sunday 5 October 2008

Kansas City! - Once again:-) aaand... New Breed Festival!

This friday i once again spend the evening/a bit of the night at Kansas City. Everytime i have been there im so excited and just have to blog about it:-P This time Illdisposed, Insickina and Grimmthurs were playing. I really enjoy being a part of the fellowship there is on Kansas City, the people there are very cool!
It seems like i work better and harder when metal music is filling the room, that i enjoy very much too!

Saturday evening i spend in Herning at New Breed Festival, with 6 hours of metal:-) Just what i needed and cool and great to see some of my friends before i will leave to go to The States(More about that soon)!

It has been a bit of a tough week though. Besides all the packing and other stuff to do before leaving for Texas, my grandmother has gotten sick. In the beginning of this week she had lost her will to live and it was not looking good. But now things are starting to brigthen. She is in the hospital, which is a miracle in itself, and i am very thankful for it, and i visited her today. She looks so much better so thats great:-)

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