Wednesday 22 October 2008

Day 12 - School and...well not much more...

Today we of course went to school. I checked on Morten in the morning and it has not improved much. I tend to get very much motherly when my friends are sick and no parents are around to take care of them. I did that on my boarding school too. It is very weird since i really not like being sick like that, so when my brother is sick at home i always isolate myself:-P But here were there are no parents, i just cannot help myself:-) So i am just praying and hoping that we will all be shielded from more sickness, and that Morten will SOON get better!

School today has been a bit hard because me and apparently most of our class are very tired. We are talking about that the food here is very different from the danish food, and maybe it messes up our health. I will try to get many hours of sleep tonight and see if it helps:-)

We had to skip church. We were supposed to go to a mid-week meeting in Sinaid Baptist Church but we will have to save that for another day:-)

Mathias and I made some quick dinner and i went to bed pretty early to try to catch up on some sleep!

- Sorry about the missing pictures, but there were not much to take pictures of today:-P


AndreasLarsen said...

Ja, kosten er noget anderledes, hvilket man lige skal venne sig til. En anden ting er jet lag, som godt kan sidde i kroppen i en god rum tid. ... Deres voldsomme forbrug af air conditioner plejer også altid at gøre mig træt :-) En heftig klimaforandring!

Franz-Irene said...

Ja,l det må man virkelige sige! - Det er lidt specielt:-)