Monday 22 December 2008

Day 6 - Christmas baking, sledging and church!

Today was the 4. sunday in advent, and when I came out into the kitchen a small present awaited me. Hannes mother had bought it for me:-) So nice of her!

We started the day preparing a flee market with some of the stuff we took with us from the apparment we emtied. The money went to the lady we helped:-)

After that we went to church. Three got baptized by Hannes father John, very cool and very moving! - It was so cool to see how happy these three people were! - They shined so much:-) It was very fun to sing in Greenlandic! - I have catched some of the sounds of the language now, with good help from Hanne:-)
They really have a nice church, people are very happy and you can feel God is here even though you dont understand the songs:-)

When we were finished with the meeting Hanne and i went for a walk. This time I saw a new part of Nuuk. The old part, which is very nice!

When we returned we ate very delicious food once again. The evening was spend baking, making candy of different kinds:-)

Hanne with the family bird "Skidtnik":

Me all wrapped up:-P

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